Saturday, August 21, 2010

Interview, I believe, went well

The interview, I believe, went well. I also have a possibility for a contract position, in another company IF the FT position doesn't come through. Looks like things are FINALLY opening up. YESSS!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

There are days I just want to scream!

No matter how you tell someone that they need to watch HOW they talk to you; and not DOWN to you, not sure if they are ever going to "get it".

Just sayin'!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The Sorcerer's Apprentice was AWESOME! If you like that type of movie, you'll LOVE IT! So, when's the DVD come out?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not much

Got up. Checked computer for current job listings. Donated blood. It clotted so they couldn't use it. Maybe next time will work better. Went to the store. Bought a few things. Came home. Emptied dishwasher. Turned A/C up. Filled dishwasher. Ate lunch in there somewhere. Rented NEW MOON from Redbox. Watched it. Guess I'm the wrong demographic. It seemed REALLY, REALLY slow to me. Maybe ECLIPSE is better? Ate dinner. Now at the computer. Will watch TV. Will then go to bed.

Tomorrow.. Get up and will actually complete the on-line job application I started. I have to first write down a timeline of jobs, dates, pay, etc. You'd think that having been off work since March, 2009 I'd have had that done Noooooo. zzzzzz

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, Brother!

I specifically state, on my FaceBook page, that it would be fun to describe me using the THIRD letter from your FIRST name. What does MY brother, Thomas do? He says, DEMOCRAT. Fine, I am, but that wasn't what was asked and he says it doesn't say that. I give up. Yeah, he's my brother, I love him, BUT, do I HAVE to LIKE HIM???

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Same Day, Second Post

Suuuurrrrre, I saved the first post. Was actually going to continue it. But, since I'm so new to this, I didn't know how to continue writing on it. Therefore, same day, second post.

Do you ever just want to shut the world away and not talk to ANYONE? Especially if the person calling you want to keep talking about the SAME subject, just different aspects of it! I'm sorry, but it's Sunday. I'll worry about being unemployed and the prospects of a job and of the unemployment situation here in the U.S., and my unemployment especially, TOMORROW! Now leave me alone so I may continue to watch TV, wash the clothes, eventually run the dishwasher etc. and I'l think about it tomorrow.

Thank God I have a husband who has a job, with benefits and loves me completely. Oh, we have 5 cats too! And, Thank You God for his employer LOVING him too!!!

So, this is what you need to do to start blogging...-

I never, in a million years thought I'd ever blog. In fact, if anyone ever finds this and actually reads it, I'll be shocked! So, with that said. I'm going to go have lunch now.